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No Winner Ever Got There Without a Coach

The interviews in this book were conducted by David E. Wright, the President and founder of Insight Publishing and ISN Works.
Let's face it there are times when even the best of us find ourselves in a rut. It seems that we are doing the same old things in the same old way and we feel that the excitement has gone out of our career. This is when we need to stop and do some serious looking around for a good coach.
The very best way to do this, in my opinion, is to read about what some of the best coaches have to say about what they do and how they do it. Between the covers of this book, No Winner Ever Got There Without a Coach, you will find some of the best and brightest sharing what they know about this important topic. This book is your golden opportunity to discover what they know and how to apply it to your professional and personal life. I think you will agree with me that the interviews in this book will give you an insiders look at how to build a better life. I really enjoyed talking with these people and I learned a lot from them. I think you will too.
David E. Wright

Cost: £20.00 plus postage & packaging (UK only)

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