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Virtual Events

The Big Concepts of Chiropractic with Christophe Vever

Wednesday 17th July 2024, 7:00 - 8:00pm

Christophe Vever, a founding member of the UCA and owner of the subluxation-based practice Carlisle Family Chiropractic Centre, will be delivering into innate intelligence, universal principles and vitalism. 'The Big Concepts of Chiropractic' will help deepen your understanding of chiropractic philosophy and its relevance in 2024.

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Equality, diversity and inclusion training with diversiti uk


Thursday 18th July 2024, 6:00 - 8:00pm

Join us and Diversiti UK to gain a solid understanding of EDI and its importance whilst also gaining 2 CPD hours on the GCC's focus for 2023/24!

Diversiti UK is a multiple award-winning diversity and inclusion training provider and holds the title of 'Best Equality & Diversity' training provider. 

Throughout this session, by partaking in individual activities, group activities as well as listening to information from the speaker you will:

  • learn what EDI is and its importance in the workplace
  • learn to identify what unconscious bias is and how to challenge it
  • learn to identify ways that you can be more inclusive with your language and behaviour

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The heart of chiropractic with stew bittman

Wednesday 31st July 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

Dr. Stew Bittman is beloved in the chiropractic community around the world. He has spent 40 years in chiropractic, practising for 24 years (12 of those with a box on the wall), and more recently coaching, speaking and leading workshops. Stew spent 15 years learning, travelling, speaking and teaching alongside the great chiropractic leader, Jim Sigafoose, and since then has brought his own unique brand of wisdom and love to the chiropractic world. In addition to being one of the most perennially popular speakers at ChiroEurope and at the In8 Summit in Australia, Stew is the creator of the "Chiropractic from the Heart" workshops, which have opened the hearts of thousands of people internationally and taught them that true success starts with a free and open heart. Stew also does a weekly podcast called "Stew- on-This", sharing his life experiences and his love for mankind through messages of wholeness, peace, love, compassion, support, and humour. 

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Hot Topics in IR(ME)R 2017 with Natalie Thring

Friday 2nd August 2024, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

What we'll cover:

  • 2022/23 Feedback from and conclusions of the IRMER Specialist Inspector following chiropractic inspections
  • 2023/24 UCA Working Party work to produce Chiropractic Diagnostic Imaging Guidelines
  • What is Justification? Applying Regulation 11, as in the GCC 2022 Diagnostic Imaging guidelines and what to expect in the Chiropractic Diagnostic Imaging Guidelines
  • What is Optimisation? Applying Regulation 12, including procurement of digital imaging detectors and better understanding of the technology)
  • Have questions but can't attend live? Email your questions when you book the session and we will ask them on your behalf!

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Equality, diversity and inclusion training with diversiti uk


Wednesday 14th August, 8:00 - 10:00pm

Only register if you can attend live. The session is NOT recorded.

Join us and Diversiti UK to gain a solid understanding of EDI and its importance whilst also gaining 2 CPD hours on the GCC's focus for 2023/24!

Diversiti UK is a multiple award-winning diversity and inclusion training provider and holds the title of 'Best Equality & Diversity' training provider. 

Throughout this session, by partaking in individual activities, group activities as well as listening to information from the speaker you will:

  • learn what EDI is and its importance in the workplace
  • learn to identify what unconscious bias is and how to challenge it
  • learn to identify ways that you can be more inclusive with your language and behaviour

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Equality, diversity and inclusion training with diversiti uk


Wednesday 15th August, 1:00 - 3:00pm

Only register if you can attend live. The session is NOT recorded.

This is our FINAL EDI webinar.

Join us and Diversiti UK to gain a solid understanding of EDI and its importance whilst also gaining 2 CPD hours on the GCC's focus for 2023/24!

Diversiti UK is a multiple award-winning diversity and inclusion training provider and holds the title of 'Best Equality & Diversity' training provider. 

Throughout this session, by partaking in individual activities, group activities as well as listening to information from the speaker you will:

  • learn what EDI is and its importance in the workplace
  • learn to identify what unconscious bias is and how to challenge it
  • learn to identify ways that you can be more inclusive with your language and behaviour

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What if Steve Jobs presented Chiropractic? with Guy Riekeman

Wednesday 28th August 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

Dr. Riekeman will cover…

1- Rebranding Chiropractic as a Neuro-based profession…

Chiropractic provides a continuum of neuro-based care from minor easily corrected spinal problems to more complicated long-standing VSC presentations to neurological trauma victims requiring functional neurology and high-tech equipment for brain retraining. We will show cases, research and how AI can impact patient care and professional branding/dialogues.

2 - Patient Relationships and Wellness Care Protocols…

Chiropractors are amazing when it comes to patient care, but generally untrained and uninterested when it comes to building professional lifetime relationships with patients. We will discuss how to gain the cultural authority for recognition as a patient's lifetime naturalistic doctor.

3 - AI in a DC's practice….

We will demonstrate several AI technologies you can use in practice including the MLiQ app.

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Wednesday 18th September, 7:00 - 8:00pm

Joining us to provide insight for chiropractic students and recent graduates, Dr. Jennifer Luu is a seasoned chiropractor and will delve into invaluable advice and reflections drawn from her extensive experience.

From her involvement with To Love & Serve, where she coordinates chiropractic volunteer teams in Cambodia, to her esteemed roles as Vice-President of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and Board Director of the International Federation of Chiropractors & Organizations, Dr. Luu's journey is rich with lessons and inspiration.

Whether you're a student navigating your educational journey or a recent graduate embarking on your career, this session promises to equip you with practical insights and empower you to chart a successful path forward.

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New Patient Mojo - 10 Patient principles for practice growth with bill esteb

Wednesday 25th September 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

This fast-moving one-hour program will address 10 elements of your new patient attractability. From the patient's point of view, you'll discover countless distinctions to inspire referrals, stimulate reactivations and become a new patient magnet. Surprisingly, it's not about doing more—it's about being more. More curious. More present. More interested. More disciplined. More authentic. And more!

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Key Communication Strategies for a Great First Visit with Martin Harvey

Wednesday 20th November 2024, 7:00 - 8:00pm

An expert in patient communication, recipient of the Stuart Rynsburger Award, and returning UCA speaker, Martin Harvey will be sharing his top tips for communication strategy to initiate from the moment your patient walks through the door.

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